Looking Inside the Classroom: A Study of K-12 Mathematics and Science Education in the United States
Iris R. Weiss, Joan D. Pasley, P. Sean Smith, Eric R. Banilower, Daniel J. Heck
May 2003
This report details findings from observations of and interviews with 364 science and mathematics teachers in schools across the United States. Areas addressed include: how science and mathematics are portrayed, the intellectual engagement of students in lessons, the accuracy of science and mathematics content, teacher questioning strategies, and factors that determine teachers' choice of content and instructional strategies. The report also includes technical detail on study methodology and several appendices with descriptions of individual lessons.
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Download Complete Report
- Looking Inside the Classroom: A Study of K-12 Mathematics and Science Education in the United States (PDF, 2.93 M)
Download Chapter by Chapter
- Front matter (Table of Contents, etc.) (PDF, 341 K)
- Chapter One: Background (PDF, 168 K)
- Chapter Two: Data Collection and Analysis (PDF, 274 K)
- Chapter Three: Characteristics of Mathematics and Science Lessons (PDF, 143 K)
- Chapter Four: Ratings of Lesson Quality (PDF, 225 K)
- Chapter Five: Strengths and Weaknesses of Mathematics and Science Lessons (PDF, 349 K)
- Chapter Six: Influences on Lessons (PDF, 261 K)
- Chapter Seven: Conclusions (PDF, 141 K)
- References (PDF, 112 K)
- Appendix A: Instruments (PDF, 616 K)
- Appendix B: Description of Composite Variables (PDF, 112 K)
- Appendix C: Grades K-5 Mathematics (PDF, 203 K)
- Appendix D: Grades 6-8 Mathematics (PDF, 202 K)
- Appendix E: Grades 9-12 Mathematics (PDF, 209 K)
- Appendix F: Grades K-5 Science (PDF, 191 K)
- Appendix G: Grades 6-8 Science (PDF, 178 K)
- Appendix H: Grades 9-12 Science (PDF, 186 K)
- Appendix I: Frequency Distributions of Observation Protocol Indicators (PDF, 88 K)
Printed Reports
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