Instruments of the 2000 NSSME

<b>Science and Mathematics Program Questionnaires</b>
Science and Mathematics Program Questionnaires were administered to science/mathematics program heads at each of the 1,297 schools in the 2000 National Survey. Items asked about

  • 1. Courses offered at the school
  • 2. Resources committed to science/mathematics instruction
  • 3. Factors affecting instruction
  • Science Program Questionnaire
  • Mathematics Program Questionnaire
  • <b>Science and Mathematics Teacher Questionnaires</b>
    Science and Mathematics Teacher Questionnaires were administered to grades K-12 science/mathematics teachers. Items ask about

    • 1. Teacher opinions
    • 2. Teacher background (including coursework and professional development)
    • 3. Information about science/mathematics classes taught
    • 4. Detailed information about a randomly selected class, including objectives and instructional activities
    • 5. Teacher demographics
  • Science Teacher Questionnaire
  • Mathematics Teacher Questionnaire
  • <b>Science and Mathematics Presidential Awardees Questionnaires</b>
    Science and Mathematics Presidential Awardee Questionnaires were administered to all recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics teaching. Items ask Awardees about:

    • 1. Their current occupation
    • 2. How they spent the money accompanying the award
    • 3. The impact the award had on them
  • Science Presidential Awardee Questionnaire
  • Mathematics Presidential Awardee Questionnaire
  • <b>Copyright and Usage</b>
    Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) holds a copyright on all instruments associated with the 2000 NSSME. HRI grants permission for unlimited use of the instruments, whether in whole or part, for non-commercial purposes. HRI requires that proper attribution be given if the instruments, in whole or part, are used.