The Report of 2012 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education details the results of a survey of 7,752 science and mathematics teachers in schools across the United States. Areas addressed include: teacher backgrounds and beliefs, teachers as professionals, science and mathematics courses, instructional objectives and activities, instructional resources, and factors affecting instruction.
Download Complete Report:
Report of the 2012 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education (PDF, 3.5M) updated 11/13/13; see Errata for changes
Suggested Citation:
Banilower, E. R., Smith, P. S., Weiss, I. R., Malzahn, K. A., Campbell, K. M., & Weis, A. M. (2013). Report of the 2012 national survey of science and mathematics education. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc
Download Chapter by Chapter
- Front Matter (Table of Contents, etc.) (PDF, 155K) updated 11/13/13; see Errata for changes
- Chapter One: Introduction (PDF, 43K) updated 3/14/13; see Errata for changes
- Chapter Two: Teacher Background and Beliefs (PDF, 211K)
- Chapter Three: Science and Mathematics Professional Development (PDF, 165K)
- Chapter Four: Science and Mathematics Courses (PDF, 172K)
- Chapter Five: Instructional Decision Making, Objectives, and Activities (PDF, 189K) updated 3/14/13; see Errata for changes
- Chapter Six: Instructional Resources (PDF, 158K) updated 11/13/13; see Errata for changes
- Chapter Seven: Factors Affecting Instruction (PDF, 173K)
- Appendix A: Sample Design (PDF, 119K)
- Appendix B: Survey Questionnaires (PDF, 745K) updated 11/13/13; see Errata for changes
- Appendix C: Pre-Data Collection Communication (PDF, 169K)
- Appendix D: Description of Data Collection (PDF, 60K)
- Appendix E: Description of Reporting Variables (PDF, 779K) updated 11/13/13; see Errata for changes
- Appendix F: Additional Equity Cross-tabulations (PDF, 369K) updated 3/14/13; see Errata for changes