2018 NSSME+: Trends inU.S. Mathematics EducationFrom 2012 to 2018

This report focuses on trends in mathematics education between 2012 and 2018. 

The report is organized into major topical areas:

  • mathematics teachers’ backgrounds and beliefs;

  • teachers’ opportunities for professional development;

  • time spent on mathematics in the elementary grades and mathematics offerings at the secondary level;

  • instructional objectives of mathematics classes and the activities teachers use to achieve these objectives;

  • availability and use of various types of instructional resources; and

  • factors that are likely to affect mathematics instruction, including school-wide programs, practices, and problems.

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2018 NSSME+: Trends in U.S. Mathematics Education From 2012 to 2018

Suggested Citation:
Malzahn, K. A. (2019). 2018 NSSME+: Trends in U.S. mathematics education from 2012 to 2018. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc.