The Report of 2018 NSSME+ details the results of a nationally representative survey of 7,600 science, mathematics, and computer science teachers in schools across the United States. Areas addressed include:
Teacher backgrounds and beliefs;
Science, mathematics, and computer science professional development;
Science, mathematics, and computer science courses; instructional objectives and activities;
Instructional resources; and
Factors affecting instruction.
Download Complete Report:
Report of the 2018 NSSME+ (PDF, 8.48MB) updated 4/14/20; see Errata for changes
Suggested Citation:
Banilower, E. R., Smith, P. S., Malzahn, K. A., Plumley, C. L., Gordon, E. M., & Hayes, M. L. (2018). Report of the 2018 NSSME+. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc.
Download Chapter by Chapter
- Front Matter (Table of Contents, etc.) (PDF, 630KB)
- Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF, 86KB)
- Chapter 2: Teacher Background and Beliefs (PDF, 2.04MB)
- Chapter 3: Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science Professional Development (PDF, 1.29MB)
- Chapter 4: Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science Courses (PDF, 990KB)
- Chapter 5: Instructional Decision Making, Objectives, and Activities (PDF, 1.44KB)
- Chapter 6: Instructional Resources (PDF, 1.18KB)
- Chapter 7: Factors Affecting Instruction (PDF, 1.23KB)
- Appendix A: Sampling and Weighting for 2018 NSSME+ (PDF, 416KB)
- Appendix B: Description of Data Collection (PDF, 580KB)
- Appendix C: Survey Questionnaires (PDF, 3.92MB)
- Appendix D: Description of Reporting Variables (PDF, 1.82MB)
- Appendix E: Additional Equity Cross-tabulations (PDF, 2.92MB) updated 6/12/19; see Errata for changes