Tips for Implementing the PD

As described in the AIM PD Principles and Design section, the guided-inquiry pedagogical structure of the PD depends on participants taking responsibility for constructing ideas in collaboration with their peers. Encouraging learner contributions is facilitated by establishing a “safe” place where participants can express ideas and take intellectual risks with the confidence that their contributions are valued as a part of the idea-building process. There are certain behaviors for both leaders and learners that should be introduced and modeled by the facilitator. These behaviors and further discussion of the PD environment are found in section 4 of the Pedagogical Principles and Content Overview (PP&CO). An introductory presentation can be used to establish expectations for professionalism at the outset of the program.

More detailed information intended to enhance preparation for leading teachers in PD is also provided in section 4 of the PP&CO.  Specific topics addressed include:

  • Effective strategies for developing and sharing ideas in the PD setting;
  • Considerations for learners working in pairs or small groups;
  • How to use whiteboards effectively;
  • Implementation supports included in the teacher version of the instructional materials; and
  • When and how to introduce scientific vocabulary in the classroom.

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