Enacting Materials to Promote OWnership, Engagement and Relevance (EMPOWER)

Organization(s): University of Colorado (CU)
Funding agency: National Institutes of Health
Program: Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA)
HRI Role: Evaluation

Project Description
Enacting Materials to Promote OWnership, Engagement and Relevance (EMPOWER) aims to prepare teachers to adapt and use science curriculum materials so that students will be engaged and interested in learning science, as well as empowered to enact change in their community through science. The project team comes from the University of Colorado (CU) and the University of Illinois Urbana Champagne (UICU), with CU serving as the lead site for the project. The project will address two overarching questions: (1) how can teachers learn to plan, enact, and reflect on the enactment of NGSS-aligned curricula to promote students’ epistemic agency? And (2) how does foregrounding student agency impact the design and use of carefully designed and learning goals driven curriculum materials? 

Evaluation Services
HRI’s evaluation includes giving feedback on the project’s processes and products. HRI is also examining the impacts of EMPOWER on participants and the alignment of professional development sessions to project goals.

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