by Leandra | Research Projects
Organization: Horizon Research, Inc.Funding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: Project & Program EvaluationHRI Role: Research Project DescriptionThe Inside the Classroom study provided the education research and policy communities with snapshots of...
by Leandra | Research Projects
Organization: Horizon Research, Inc.Funding agency: National Science FoundationHRI Role: Research The goal of the Assessing Teacher Learning About Science Teaching (ATLAST) project was to develop instruments that researchers could use to study the effects of...
by Leandra | Research Projects
Organization: Horizon Research, Inc., Education Development Center, WestedFunding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: Math and Science PartnershipsHRI Role: Research Project DescriptionMath and Science Partnership (MSP) Knowledge Management and Dissemination...
by Leandra | Research Projects
Organization: Horizon Research, Inc.Funding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: DRK-12HRI Role: Research Project DescriptionKnowledge Assets to Support the Science Instruction of Elementary Teachers (ASSET) is explored a method for generating collective...
by Eric R. Banilower, Joan D. Pasley | Evaluation Projects
Funding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: Local Systemic Change through Teacher Enhancement (LSC)HRI Role: Evaluation (Cross-Site) Project DescriptionNSF initiated its Local Systemic Change through Teacher Enhancement (LSC) program in 1995 in order to...