by Patrick Sean Smith, Danielle R. Scharen, Anna Bruce, Ailin Cabrera-Zuniga | Evaluation Projects, Projects
Organization(s): OpenSciEdProgram: Amazon Future EngineersHRI Role: Evaluation Project DescriptionAmazon Future Engineers partnered with curriculum developers at OpenSciEd to lead development of a science curriculum that successfully integrates computer...
by Eric R. Banilower, Lauren A. Harper, Brianna P. McKay, Sarah E. Safley | Evaluation Projects
Organization(s): American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)Funding agency: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationProgram:HRI Role: Evaluation Project DescriptionThe American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) is developing Space Show VII, a full dome digital...
by Eric R. Banilower, Daniel J. Heck, Kristen A. Malzahn, Courtney L. Plumley, Clara E. Lunden | Featured Projects, Research Projects
Organization(s): Horizon Research, Inc., Westat Inc.Funding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: DRK-12HRI Role: Research Project Description The NSSME+ has collected data on the status of K–12 STEM education in the nation at regular intervals since 1977. The...
by Eric R. Banilower, Joan D. Pasley, Peggy J. Trygstad | Research Projects
Organization(s): Horizon Research, Inc.Funding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER)HRI Role: Research Project Description Operationalizing the Science and Engineering Practices (SCIOPS) aimed to identify key...
by Patrick Sean Smith, Lindsey H. Sachs, Anna D. Bruce, Lauren A. Harper, Brianna P. McKay | Evaluation Projects
Organization(s): American Museum Natural HistoryFunding agency: National Science FoundationProgram: Robert Noyce Scholarship ProgramHRI Role: Evaluation Project DescriptionThe Earth Science Teacher Urban Residency Program: A Partnership Between a Museum and Secondary...